TikTok Takes Over: How Gen Z is Redefining Search Habits and Why You Need to Pay Attention

Emerging Trends in Consumer Search Behavior

In recent years, there’s been a seismic shift in how consumers search for information, products, and services. TikTok, a platform initially known for short-form video entertainment, has emerged as an unexpected but formidable player in the search engine arena, rivalling traditional giants like Google and Bing. According to research commissioned by Adobe 40% of consumers surveyed use TikTok as a search engine – with this rising to 64% for Gen Z. There are other studies that report TikTok as being the #1 search engine for more than half of Gen Z – 51% prefer it to Google. So is the tide turning and what does this mean for your business?

Why TikTok? Understanding the Appeal

TikTok’s surge as a search platform isn’t accidental. It taps into the visual, engaging, and concise content that resonates with younger demographics, particularly Gen Z and millennials. Unlike traditional search engines that provide a list of links, TikTok offers immersive video content, making the search experience more interactive and engaging.

Using the same Adobe study, a few of the top reasons why consumers preferred TikTok as their main search engine was:

  • The short-form video was more digestible and informative
  • They enjoy the storytelling aspect of TikTok videos
  • The content is more current and personalised 
  • It curates diverse perspectives and unique ideas.

These are all compelling reasons and this might be a big of a light bulb moment for many reading this. From a personal perspective, I was recently on my honeymoon in Koh Samui, Thailand, and there was no better search tool for me than TikTok for discovering where to eat, what the food looked like and what the vibe of the place would be. Try it yourself now, Google some of your favourite areas to eat and do the same search in TikTok and see how the experience compares.

From Entertainment to Information Hub

TikTok has transcended its original purpose of entertainment, evolving into a hub for tutorials, reviews, travel tips, and DIY hacks. This transformation is driven by user-generated content that is relatable, authentic, and often more up-to-date than traditional search results. It ticks all the boxes we encourage our clients to be when producing content, whether for TikTok or any medium. 

The Impact on Businesses and Advertisers

This shift presents new opportunities and challenges for businesses and marketers. Traditional SEO strategies are being reevaluated as brands seek to establish a presence on TikTok. The focus is now not only on creating engaging, shareable content that can virally spread through the TikTok community but creating content that will rank well on TikTok search. 

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its growing popularity, TikTok search poses unique challenges. The platform’s algorithm, geared towards engagement and popularity, might not always yield the most accurate or relevant results. Furthermore, the ephemeral nature of trends on TikTok means that staying relevant requires constant monitoring and adaptation.

Best Practices for Businesses

So if you’re ready to jump in and get discovered by more potential customers on TikTok, below are some key tips and principles to stick to:

  • Incorporate Keywords: Similar to traditional SEO, use relevant keywords in captions and as supers on your videos to improve discoverability.
  • Create Authentic Content: TikTok values and rewards authenticity. Content that resonates with users often feels more personal and less polished.
  • Engage with Trends: Participating in trends or challenges can increase visibility. But again do it in a way that’s authentic to your brand and business, don’t jump on a trend just for the sake of it or if it’s not a good fit. You’ll do more harm than good, it’s inauthentic and people will see through it. 
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Influencers can amplify your reach and also lend credibility.

Pro Tip:

In October 2023 TikTok launched the ‘Search Ads Toggle‘, a feature in Ads Manager that allows brands to serve ads in TikTok search results. It’s very simple to turn this on when setting up your campaign, it doesn’t require further creative investment as it uses your existing content and is a great placement for brand awareness and discoverability.

The Future of Search: A TikTok World?

As TikTok continues to grow, it’s reshaping the landscape of online search. Its influence extends beyond just social media, challenging the norms of how information is sought and consumed. The platform’s future in search is not just promising but also indicative of a broader shift towards more dynamic, visual, and user-driven forms of information. Traditional search is already under threat from LLM (Large Language Models such as Chat GPT), as we’ve seen from Google they’ve adapted to incorporate AI in their listings and we expect to see more video and immersive content in 2024 and beyond to match younger generations expectations and preferences.


TikTok’s emergence as a key player in search signifies a broader change in consumer behaviour and preferences. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses and marketers must adapt to these changes, embracing new platforms and strategies to remain relevant and competitive. If you need help launching a TikTok strategy to help your business get discovered by more customers, fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch ASAP.

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